GraphColorFlow — a short tutorial

Sasson Margaliot
2 min readJan 11, 2022

A very simple introduction to GraphColorFlow.

Getting Started

Assuming a recent version of Python is alsready installed, you can start useing GraphColorFlow (GCF) , by simpy installing our two libraries:

pip install classidgrpah

pip install graphcolorflow

We can use our first library (classidgrpah) to build a graph representation of our data. We start by deriving a new class from the base class Graph (which is imported from classidgraph). We pass the initial characteristcs of our graph to the base constructor __init__():

from classidgraph.classidgraph import Graph
class OurGraph(Graph):
def __init__(self):
super(OurGraph,self).__init__(num_classes=2, num_features=768)

Now we can construct a directed graph in the memory by calling the methods add_node() and link().

First, lets add four nodes. In GCF, each Node is uniquely identified not by a single string key, but a pair of strings, passed as two parameters: cl (for class) and id (for identifier).

import graphcolorflow.graph
class OurGraph(Graph):
def __init__(self, num_classes = 4,num_features = 3):
o = OurGraph()# The nodes for cities
o.add_node("city", "NY")
o.add_node("city", "LA")
o.add_node("city", "London")
o.add_node("city", "Paris")
# The three nodes for countries
o.add_node("country", "US")
o.add_node("country", "UK")
o.add_node("country", "France")

Let’s link cities to contries:"city", "NY", "country", "US")"city", "LA", "country", "US")"city", "London", "country", "UK")"city", "Paris", "country", "France")

Now each city is linked to the corresponding country. The graph is not connected — it doeen’t have to be.

This way we can enrter whichever directed graph we want.

2. Unsupevidsed Learning

Now we can use our second library (graphcolorflow) to build a complex of Neural Networks. These Networks can then be used for unsupervised learning on our Graph.


A longer discussion could be found here. An ebook about graphcolorflow is available here.



Sasson Margaliot

Innovator, Tech Enthusiast, and Strategic Thinker. exploring new frontiers, pushing boundaries, and fostering positive impact through innovation.